Thursday, November 30, 2006
So this morning I was walking to class and I happened to notice a squirrel seated at the base of a trash can. This wasn't exciting in itself, but it was looking with extreme concentration (way too much for a normal squirrel) at the top of the can. I, myself wondering what could be holding its attention so tightly, looked to see if I could find the source of its entrancement. I was able to locate the source, which I found to be a second squirrel who was trying to retrieve a plate from the can (no wonder there is always a mess around the base of the trash cans). As I watched it continued with its task and freed the plate so that it would be able to take it down to the ground. Having such a large object in its mouth it seemed to have trouble figuring out how to best get down. It eventually accomplished this in what appeared a very clumsy matter of jumping off the can, and then both squirrels went to work trying to find what they could salvage from the plate. A very funny sight if I do say so myself.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I don't really have anything good to say, I figured I'd just say something for the fun of it. Three weeks isn't a very long time, but it sure seems like it when you can't wait 'til you get back home. On the other hand it will probably seem to go by really fast with all the homework and finals that are packed into it. I hope that it doesn't stress me too much. I kind of like to relax and not think about such things, but that doesn't help me get my work done, so maybe I should worry a little bit more. Oh well, if I flunk out then at least I tried and I can't get in trouble for not trying.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Back to the Routine
I put off all my homework during my break and now I have to scrambble to get it done. I have to write a 5-6 page paper tonight so I better get started. Plus I didn't study for my Chem test, and I don't really understand anything I'm doing so I hope I can learn real fast. Wish me luck.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Well Thanksgiving may be over, but it was a lot of fun. I wish college didn't keep me so far away from my family. But another three and a half weeks and Christmas break will be here. I can not wait. Plus, now since it's after Thanksgiving I can sing Christmas songs without getting yelled at. Yippie! Too bad I have to take finals right before Christmas, that really puts a damper on the holiday spirit. Hopefully I can find time to watch a few Christmas classics between now and then like It's a Wonderful Life or Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. If I don't I guess I'll survive, but it sure would make me happy. Christmas must be my favorite time of year and it's not even the presents that I care about, they're just icing on the cake. The only bad part is that I have to find time to go shopping. Yuck!
Monday, November 20, 2006
As bird tweet and frogs croak
A stream runs swiftly by
A tree falls unheard
As deer rest near by
Clouds float aimlessly
Rain starts to fall
Squirrels gather near
In oak trees so tall
Soft is the once crisp floor
New is the day
Comes forth the sunlight
And shines a bright new ray
Oh the sky is rather dark today
I feel all mixed, in disarray
My heart is in a different land
Come brother, sister take my hand
And we will go far, far away
Where you can always stay
And your heart can rest and heal
As you stand and pray or kneel
There you will find your true love
As perfect as a snow white dove
And he waits for your coming
Can't you hear that rhythmic humming
This love I talk about is the true love of the Father
And His love can not be stopped by a thorn or a burr
Come brother, sister take my hand.
thud, thud, thud
patter, patter, patter
---, ---, ---
Life comes life goes so easy
Breathe in breathe out your breath
Hold on to what is cherished
Forget not what is best
Your life is worth the trouble
So live it to its brink
Take not your things for granted
Be prepared for everything
A stream runs swiftly by
A tree falls unheard
As deer rest near by
Clouds float aimlessly
Rain starts to fall
Squirrels gather near
In oak trees so tall
Soft is the once crisp floor
New is the day
Comes forth the sunlight
And shines a bright new ray
Oh the sky is rather dark today
I feel all mixed, in disarray
My heart is in a different land
Come brother, sister take my hand
And we will go far, far away
Where you can always stay
And your heart can rest and heal
As you stand and pray or kneel
There you will find your true love
As perfect as a snow white dove
And he waits for your coming
Can't you hear that rhythmic humming
This love I talk about is the true love of the Father
And His love can not be stopped by a thorn or a burr
Come brother, sister take my hand.
thud, thud, thud
patter, patter, patter
---, ---, ---
Life comes life goes so easy
Breathe in breathe out your breath
Hold on to what is cherished
Forget not what is best
Your life is worth the trouble
So live it to its brink
Take not your things for granted
Be prepared for everything
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Well you know that it is coming, it gets here every year.
And you know that I've been waiting, to share a cup of cheer.
To spread it round the table, and let our voices raise,
For the one one true God of heaven, must hear our song of praise.
I want to sing his glory upon the streets of gold
I want to spread his message, to everyone behold:
There was a sinless Jesus, he died upon the cross
He loved us with a passion, that never could be lost.
I know that you are weary, and in the world today
But remember that he's coming, O praise the blessed day.
Have A Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
And you know that I've been waiting, to share a cup of cheer.
To spread it round the table, and let our voices raise,
For the one one true God of heaven, must hear our song of praise.
I want to sing his glory upon the streets of gold
I want to spread his message, to everyone behold:
There was a sinless Jesus, he died upon the cross
He loved us with a passion, that never could be lost.
I know that you are weary, and in the world today
But remember that he's coming, O praise the blessed day.
Have A Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
My Views on the Feminist Issue
My definition of a feminist (from the experience of having taken a womens studies course)
-A middle class woman that isn't happy with her perfect life, so she takes it out on everyone else by taking up issues for people with less privilege to make herself feel better.
Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. ~Pat Robertson
From the beginning God gave men dominion over women. Adam named Eve and it was his responsibility to inform her of God's commands of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Thus, from Adam and not directly from God, did Eve get her instructions, and she was expected to trust and follow his word.
Some good bible verses that any feminist who claims to be a christian would have to ignore:
Genesis 3:16
He said to the women:
I will intensify your labor pains; you will bear children in anguish. Your desire will be for your husband, yet he will dominate you.
Ephesians 5:22-24
Wives submit to your own husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is head of the wife as also Christ is head of the church. He is Savior of the body. Now as the church submits to Christ, so wives should to their husbands in everything.
Colossians 3:18
Wives be submissive to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
1 Peter 3:1
Wives, in the same way, submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, even if some disobey the message, they may be won over without a message by the way their wives live.
1 Corinthians 11:3
But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of the women, and God is the head of Christ.
-A middle class woman that isn't happy with her perfect life, so she takes it out on everyone else by taking up issues for people with less privilege to make herself feel better.
Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. ~Pat Robertson
From the beginning God gave men dominion over women. Adam named Eve and it was his responsibility to inform her of God's commands of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Thus, from Adam and not directly from God, did Eve get her instructions, and she was expected to trust and follow his word.
Some good bible verses that any feminist who claims to be a christian would have to ignore:
Genesis 3:16
He said to the women:
I will intensify your labor pains; you will bear children in anguish. Your desire will be for your husband, yet he will dominate you.
Ephesians 5:22-24
Wives submit to your own husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is head of the wife as also Christ is head of the church. He is Savior of the body. Now as the church submits to Christ, so wives should to their husbands in everything.
Colossians 3:18
Wives be submissive to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
1 Peter 3:1
Wives, in the same way, submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, even if some disobey the message, they may be won over without a message by the way their wives live.
1 Corinthians 11:3
But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of the women, and God is the head of Christ.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Atrophy or Activity???
I woke up this morning with a charley horse in my calf and my hand had fallen asleep. It really woke me up fast!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Work, Work, Work
When all you have to do is get your homework done, it seems that you should have time to do lots things fun. But you can never find the time it takes, and it really sucks a lot and makes you hate your life. So, I've decided not to worry 'bout the deadlines hanging o'er my head. Cause they really stress you out and make you miserable. So if your the kind of person to get things done on time, I don't give a rip, don't tell me 'bout your fun. And life isn't always a bowl of cherries (besides I don't like cherries, so maybe I should say box of chocolates, I like those).
~Renowned procrastinator and pessimist (ME)
~Renowned procrastinator and pessimist (ME)
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Well today was nothin' special
But I guess it was okay,
I spent it drawing doodles
Like every other day!
My lab was really boring
As it always seems to be,
So I couldn't wait to finish
Cause I think it's killin' me.
Jewish studies just really sucks
But I keep going anyways,
Though it's almost always empty
And it's really just a haze.
I tried to take a nice short nap
But that can never, never last,
Cause people like to pop on in
I had to take it really fast. (like 20 min)
Dinner was a riot
And I really laughed a lot,
Cause we were missing Jamie
And she's really just a snot.
Now my homework needs a doing
But I seem to push it off,
It seems I'm getting lazy
And sticking in a trough.
But now I'll let you go on back
To your normal boring lives,
And I'll continue on with mine
Best regards and all high fives.
But I guess it was okay,
I spent it drawing doodles
Like every other day!
My lab was really boring
As it always seems to be,
So I couldn't wait to finish
Cause I think it's killin' me.
Jewish studies just really sucks
But I keep going anyways,
Though it's almost always empty
And it's really just a haze.
I tried to take a nice short nap
But that can never, never last,
Cause people like to pop on in
I had to take it really fast. (like 20 min)
Dinner was a riot
And I really laughed a lot,
Cause we were missing Jamie
And she's really just a snot.
Now my homework needs a doing
But I seem to push it off,
It seems I'm getting lazy
And sticking in a trough.
But now I'll let you go on back
To your normal boring lives,
And I'll continue on with mine
Best regards and all high fives.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Not Much Going On
My life seems to be extremely boring lately. I suppose there are things that I could say, but nothing really great or profound. I gave blood for the first time today. My friend guilted me into it, but I guess it's a good thing to do. My iron levels were very good, according to the nurse. I hope I find out what blood type I am, it would be very interesting to know. Well, it seems to be homework time now. Homework totally blows!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Late Night!

If any of you are wondering what my room mate looks like (you probably weren't, but this will get her riled up) here is a picture.
However, this post really has nothing to do with Christie, I just wanted to upload a picture because I couldn't get the one I really wanted to upload, probably because it's saved as a word document. Oh, well. Anyways, on to the story. Last night me and Karen had dinner and went to watch a comedian. I can't remember his name because I had never heard of him before but he's in Stella. Maybe if Karen reads this she will leave a comment with his name.
So we went to by some stuff at McLanahan's. Originally we were going to purchase something to make for supper, but Karen decided that she really didn't want to do that anymore, and they didn't have an sushi, which she would have gotten instead. While we were there we saw some coffee machines but she said their stuff doesn't taste very good so instead of purchasing it there we went down the street to Webster's. When we walked in there was a homeless man buying a cup of coffee. He kept asking the lady questions so fast that she would never have had time to answer one before he asked another. Then after Karen ordered her tea (she decided to get this instead of coffee because it is one of the few places that offer the type of tea she likes) the guy started asking her questions. "Are you Carol Rose?" This kind of threw Karen off because the beginning sounded the same. So she started to talk to him telling him "no." Then he started saying more stuff and Karen got really uncomfortable. She backed away and left me between her and the crazy guy! Then he proceeded to talk to me as if I were the same person. He didn't even end his last conversation, just kept going. This freaked me out too and I looked around for anything I could to get out of his conversation. Luckily he decided to go back to disturbing the waitress. "This coffee's really strong, what's it got in it?, Do you have any salt?" He didn't even listen to the answers, just kept asking. As soon as she handed me my cappuccino we got out of there!
We then went to Subway and got some dinner and then went to Karen's apartment to eat and watch some tv. There must have been a That 70's Show marathon because we saw parts of at least four episodes. That was pretty fun, but we were interrupted by Thomas, who was looking for directions that Karen wasn't really able to help him with. That's alright because it didn't really have any affect on me. We decided to leave at 9:00 to make sure we were there on time because Theresa wanted Karen to get the guys signature, I guess she's a really big fan. (P.S. Zebras don't get ulcers) So we got to the HUB around 9:15 and found a fairly long line which Karen assumed must have been for the comedian. Well we had only been there for a couple minutes when the line started moving and we went in and found seats. I asked Karen "Are you sure this is the right place, it looks like they're playing a movie?" She wasn't really worried but I kept telling her she should ask the girl next to her. She finally did and I was right, it was a movie (I think Talladega Nights). So we felt stupid and walked out. This security guard asked us to sign out and we had to tell her we were in the wrong place. She pointed us in the right direction and we were able to find the line. Then we proceeded to stand in line for like 45 minutes, well past the 10:00 p.m., when it was supposed to start. The show was alright, but some of the acts were definitely a lot better than others. Overall it was decent. Then we had to get the autograph so we walked over and waited for a few minutes. We did get it, but I wasn't able to get a good face shot for Theresa, Karen was so nervous she didn't think to ask him to get a picture with her. She was so excited that she called Theresa up on the way out to let her know that she had got the signature. I got home around 1:30, and went straight to bed, that late night stuff is just ridiculous!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Dreams: Aren't they strange
Recently I have been getting up at 6:30 or 7:00 only to return to my bed after an hour of alertness. This situation seems to instigate the creativeness of my imagination. My dream this morning included going home. Probably because lately I have been really wishing to do this. Anyways, while there we were playing hockey. Why I do not know, I don't even like the sport. However, instead of playing with pucks we were using balls of yarn and my underwear. (This upset me because they were at home and not a college where I could actually use them; strange I know) The nets were also blown up instead of metal. One of the goalies was sitting on top of the net so that there was no where to shot the puck (or whatever it was) into because his weight obviously caused the net to be on the floor. This distressed me very much and I got very upset and told him it wasn't fair. Then, probably because when I talked to my mom this weekend I realized people hadn't been staying out of my room, I decided to check on the state of my room. In this process I got distracted and started looking through my picture albums. This is about the extent of what I can remember from my dreams. I really like these kind of dreams so I'm going to try to do the same thing a few more times. The reason I can remember them so well is probably because I am so close to consciousness and this only happens when I tell myself I can't go into a deep sleep because I need to get up for something soon. Well, if it works I might tell you some more about my dreams. I think it is so neat to see how your brain connects things when you are unconscious!
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