Saturday, November 12, 2016

Follow-up flood discussion.

Original post

Ok, so I don’t really care what one believes as to whether the flood was local or global in extent. I don’t think it impacts the gospel message, and I don’t think it changes whether one can be saved through faith in Christ. In that aspect, I really don’t want to argue the points. Sure I’m willing to listen to a different perspective and maybe if I’m presented with overwhelming evidence I could change my view someday. However, I don’t think that has any impact on my interpretation of the bible as a whole. The major concern I have about the local flood interpretation is that God’s judgement was not universal. I do not find any evidence that God wants us to believe that humans other than Noah and his family survived the flood.

As far as the idea that God created more than one people group at the time of Creation... I think you can probably make a case for it that I may not be able to fully disprove, but I think God would have made this point much more clear if He had intended for us to interpret scripture this way. As it is written, it is much easier to interpret the language as God having created all peoples from Adam and Eve. Genesis is primarily written as a historical record and in this I think God's intention was to establish mankind through Adam. I think it also follows that since the gospel message is for all and Christ is the second Adam, that it would confuse the situation to claim that humankind was not all come through Adam, as obviously the entire church must proceed through Christ.

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