Thursday, October 19, 2006


As you might know, I'm not really into the Halloween thing. For this matter, I don't go trick or treating and have only dressed up for it during elementary school for the Fall Festival or whatever it's called. I've also only gone trick or treating about two times in my life. In these cases my mom drove us around to several of her friends houses where we sang songs. Maybe I was missing out by not having tons of candy, but I never felt I it mattered.
Anyways, today I thought I would get in the spirit by giving someone a scare. I hadn't really planned it but Christie gave me so much opportunity I couldn't resist. She tends to leave the door wide open when she leaves to go to the bathroom, so when I got back from my Chem lab I noticed that this was the case. I also heard the toilet flush as I entered the room so I assumed that was what she was doing and decided to give her a little jolt. I waited and waited (it wasn't actually very long it just felt that way) until I finally heard her get to the door. As she started up the steps I was ready with a loud "BOO!" to which she started jumping up and down as if the sky had just collapsed. It was hilarious. Maybe you find this a bit harsh, but I'm the kind of person that likes to get everyone's heart pumping good. I'm sure if they did a study on the effects of being scared senseless, it would prove healthy. Even if it doesn't, it sure gives me a laugh, and that has been proven a healthy thing to do, so who cares about everyone else.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for looking out for my health! I appreciate that. And no, I will never close the door when I go to the bathroom. What would be the point in protecting the things we have in our room?

phil said...

Becca, do you use that laptop lock that you got when you bought the computer?