Friday, October 13, 2006

Christmas Songs

I suppose that anyone who knows me realizes that I'm a bit strange, crazy, and at times eccentric. People here at school, however, don't notice this fact so quickly and are often deceived into trusting relationships before they realize who I really am. Last night some of these people found me out. They heard, from a source (I'm not entirely sure who), that I was playing Christmas songs. This is true, I admit that I like to start playing them many months in advance of the blessed holiday, but I don't find it any part their business. Last night, over dinner, they brought the subject up as if it were the most horrid thing in the world to do (I'm pretty sure I could think of a lot worse). I was not deterred by their disdain, however, and continued to whistle Christmas tunes. As they heard my song they were impelled to come and strangle me. I'm not sure what makes people get so frustrated over what another is doing but I think it is a bit ridiculous. People need to mind there own business a little more. Surely I know that my music is a bit out of season, but since that is what I enjoy doing, and it doesn't seems to really hurt anyone else, I can't see the reason for so much concern. People need to learn to respect others and not try to change them into "normal" people. We need to be individuals, and this entails becoming our own person. I would hope that our world could be a safe place for everyone to practice their own beliefs without discrimination.


Becca said...

I'm actually pretty sure that Christina from down the hall informed them of my weird habit.

phil said...

Yeah, you need to say to those people "Bite me, I'll play Christmas music whenever I darn well please. And do whatever else I want too."

By the way, playing Christmas music in October isn't at all strange when compared to some of the wackos you might meet on that campus. Just think - I was one of those weirdos at one time - not as weird as I am now though. At that time I was still trying to fool people into thinking that I was normal.

phil said...

If it really seems to bother those people, you could try going a bit further - get some traditional Jewish Hanukkah music and blast that - or start decorating your room (at least your half of it) for Christmas. Just be warned that the residence halls consider it a fire hazard to have a real tree or candles. Other than that you could go all out with a Nativity Scene and everything. And start giving people early Christmas presents - don't spend any money on them of course.

College life is stressfull - don't take any crap from anyone. You gotta get crazy to break the tension once in a while. Just don't get stupid and start drinking or anything like that.

Becca said...

Yeah, I think you're right about decorating the room. That would be a lot of fun. I think that I might take that suggestion to heart. We'll see if I have enough time to waste some day.