Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Well, today is officially the first day of spring. It is pretty nice outside right now and the sun is shining brightly. The birds are beginning to come back. When I was home my grandmother was commenting about seeing robins, a sure sign that spring is here. Spring also means that school is coming to an end, and I can't wait, but it also means exams. I don't want to worry about them though, so I guess I'll just not think about them. I am working on scheduling my classes for next semester though, and it looks like a real mess. I talked to my advisor today and I might change a few things, but I don't think it will turn out much better. Oh well. I can't wait til Robbie's wedding. I know I was just there, but I really want to go back home. I did start missing a few things available at college when I was home though. I guess eventually I will like college better. I mean even right now I like the no siblings part better.


phil said...

"When it's springtime in Alaska, I'll be 6 feet below."

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to stop reading this. It's too depressing. Let me help you:

Spring has sprung! Woohoo! I'm so excited for warm weather and not wearing coats anymore and summertime (good connotations, whatever the reality may be). And flowers! Even over break the crocuses were coming up...etc. Work on it. Just kidding, it's your blog.