Friday, June 17, 2011

Thoughts about Marie

So, I'm down here in FL, staying with my cousin Marie for the summer, which prompted me to try to remember everything I could about Marie. So, I was thinking back and I remember her old boyfriend Chase, I'm not sure how vividly, but I think I remember doing I Spy books with him. Then the next thing I remember is a Christmas party. Marie bought us Christmas presents and I remember I felt bad because we didn't get anything for her. However, she got me this bright blue shirt with Minnie Mouse on the front. Minnie had a big pink bow in her hair and yellow shoes. I also remember the first time I met her boyfriend Scott (now husband). He had long brown hair that hung down in little ringlets. I don't think I had ever seen a guy with hair that long before and I thought it was kind of strange. Eventually he cut it all off and gave it to locks of love (I think it was 32" stretched, though I can't be sure). He looked like a totally different person without the hair. So when they had a bridal shower for Marie I went, it was at Pat and Janelle's house. My mom got her a Betty Crocker cookbook and I remember thinking that was one of the best presents my mom had ever given someone because it was actually useful. I also learned that Scott has no middle name at the shower. I also went to the wedding, I remember there were ponds and Tenny Corbet was the minister (which I thought was strange because neither of them went to our church where he was the preacher). At the reception the first song they played was Love Shack, and I sat with my cousin Martha. I think they had cameras on all the tables to help capture the memories. Martha ordered her and I some kind of virgin drink from the bar and her mom got mad because we 'looked like we were drinking' and she took them away and threw them out, which was kind of upsetting, especially since I'm sure my mom wouldn't have made a big deal about it. I think Marlys was particularly upset because her older boys were taking advantage of the open bar, as well as some of my other cousins, and getting quite drunk and obnoxious, which she didn't like. (little did she know that her younger boys, that didn't come to the wedding, were taking advantage of the alcohol that Doc had at his house) So my next memory of Marie was at a baby shower, I think for Maggie. I sat with my mom, aunt Joy, and cousin Ruth. Ruth had a gray hair I made fun of, the lasagna was vegetarian (eew), and Joy got Marie a fabric sling type thing that could be used to carry the baby and breast feed more privately, etc. There were shower games and I think one was coming up with a phrase to go with a word and then seeing if they matched Marie's. I think my mom got the one for 'blue', 'blue swede shoes.' I also remember when Marie visited and Jonas was a baby. She got me an eeyore shirt and shorts, the shorts I still wear for pj's, though they're getting pretty tattered. They didn't stay very long, but Jonas took a nap on my bed with my eeyore pillow. The next time I saw them was in Canada when Jonas was learning to swim but was scared of the lake. I braided Maggie's hair and we played with frogs and took lots of pictures. In '09 I was in MT and Marie, Scott and the kids came to visit. Jonas loved Molly and Quilla. We went to lunch at the Butcher's Nook and I 'put Jonas upsidedown.' And now I'm here in Orlando watching kids during the day, so that's pretty much my thoughts on Marie.

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