Sunday, November 04, 2007

meme tag

Phil has tagged me with a meme. PZ Myers started this on Pharyngula a while ago.

Here are the rules:

There are a set of questions below that are all of the form, "The best [subgenre] [medium] in [genre] is...". Copy the questions, and before answering them, you may modify them in a limited way, carrying out no more than two of these operations:

You can leave them exactly as is.
You can delete any one question.
You can mutate either the genre, medium, or subgenre of any one question. For instance, you could change "The best time travel novel in SF/Fantasy is..." to "The best time travel novel in Westerns is...", or "The best time travel movie in SF/Fantasy is...", or "The best romance novel in SF/Fantasy is...".
You can add a completely new question of your choice to the end of the list, as long as it is still in the form "The best [subgenre] [medium] in [genre] is...".

You must have at least one question in your set, or you've gone extinct, and you must be able to answer it yourself, or you're not viable.

Then answer your possibly mutant set of questions. Please do include a link back to the blog you got them from, to simplify tracing the ancestry, and include these instructions. Finally, pass it along to any number of your fellow bloggers. Remember, though, your success as a Darwinian replicator is going to be measured by the propagation of your variants, which is going to be a function of both the interest your well-honed questions generate and the number of successful attempts at reproducing them.

My Ancestors:

My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparent is A Blog Around the Clock
My great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparent is The Anterior Commissure
My great-great-great-great-great-grandparent is Laelaps
My great-great-great-great-grandparent is Quintessence of Dust
My great-great-great-grandparent is An Evangelical Dialogue On Evolution
My great-great-grandparent is Exploring Our Matrix
My great-grandparent is Sporadic Maunderings
My grandparent is Signs of Insanity
My parent is Craziness

The Questions (and Answers):

1. The best comedy in children's movies is:

Chicken Run

2. The best song that moves me inexplicably in 80s pop is:

We Didn't Start The Fire - Billy Joel

3. The best book appealing to both children and adults in Fantasy is:

The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien

4. The most fantastic movie of all time is found in:

The Princess Bride

5. The best Coming of age movie in Drama is:

Forrest Gump

So now I tag Sarah.