Saturday, March 17, 2012

White noise

Listen to the sound....
inside your head
Listen to the beat.....
within your chest
Listen to the voice....
that fills your soul
The ocean rolls, the waves crash, the rocks break
The tree bends, the leaves quake, the acorns fall
The birds chirp, the frogs croak, the dogs bark

Be Still

Are you ready?
Ready for what? you say...
Ready to worship the God of the Universe!
The all deserving, ever present, object of our praise
Are you trying His patience?
What will it get you to gain the world if you miss the promise of His love?
Worldly possessions will not transfer to heaven
Why not start in on the joys of heaven while still on earth?
Forget the desires of men and fulfill the will of the Father
Then will your life have meaning and your actions prove eternal.