Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I wish I could sleep all the time. Recently I have begun a sleeping regimen in which I sleep in until at least 7:30. This is bad, really bad. I don't have classes until 9:05 most mornings and breakfast is overrated, but I should be doing work instead. I mean, I waste all day doing nothing and then I stay up until midnight doing homework which should have been done earlier. I also tend to do stupid things rather than studying for big tests, like tomorrow's Chem exam, which I have been totally ignoring. This is probably horrible, but students have been using cramming to study for tests for years (A tried and true method to make it through college).
I know one girl who runs on like three hours of sleep a night. I don't know how she does it. Sunday night she stayed up all night to study for her Biology exam (the one that Christie got a 97% on). She decided not to get the one hour of sleep that she could have gotten after she was done studying because she figured she wouldn't wake up. I guess a lot of college kids run on very little sleep, but I could never handle not getting all the sleep I want. Sleeping is like my favorite thing to do. It's the one time you are removed from this nasty world and don't have to deal with your reality for a few precious hours a day.

1 comment:

phil said...

I agree like 100%.

If I don't get enough sleep, I just don't feel right. Bad things can start to happen. I'll sleep at least 8 hours a day if I can - even if I'm sleeping in a fairly uncomfortable place like in a car/truck seat or in a tent on rocky ground.

I prefer closer to 10 hours per day. But since I'm an extreme night person and can't fall asleep much before 11 pm (on a good day), I usually end up getting considerably less than 10 hours of sleep because of work and people bugging me.

Can't people understand that at 10 am, I'd rather be sleeping than eating. Why do they seem to believe that I would like to be violently pulled from my peaceful slumber for some stupid pancakes or scrambled eggs and sausage. NO! Sleep is more important - food will always be there.

I should make it a rule that I never eat anything solid before noon. And make sure that everyone knows it and doesn't try to wake me for breakfast.

That stuff about breakfast being the most important meal of the day is just a bunch of hog wash.